A Life on the Prairie: Oct 6

A Life on the Prairie: Poem, Story and Song from Lac qui Parle by Lauren K. Carlson
Saturday Oct 6
7:30 pm
Tickets $15 Adult or $5 Students
Meander Weekend Performance

Pioneer Public Television
Farmers for Dawson

Comedy Night with Tommy Ryman! Feb 2

Winterfest Comedy Night
Saturday Feb 2
7:00 pm
Tickets $15 Adults or $5 Students
Pasta Buffet beginning at 6:00pm – $11 per person
Limited seating of 150 for this meal & show
Meals must be purchased by Jan. 30

NEW Location:
Hilltop Bar, Grill & Event Center
712 Oak Street on Hwy 212 – Dawson

Join us for a night of laughs with Tommy Ryman – and have dinner before the show!

Tommy Ryman grew up with a new-age, folksinging mother and a traditional, Lutheran insurance-agent father. This XY equation evidently equals: acclaimed comedian. Ryman has earned the title of Semifinalist on NBC’s Last Comic Standing, where judges raved about Tommy saying, “they had never seen anything like him, one of a kind, fantastic!”

Ryman’s act is absurdist and clever, masked behind a very likable and innocent demeanor, often thought of as disturbingly adorable. He is a favorite among audiences at top clubs, colleges, and corporate events around the nation, and he is regularly featured on SiriusXM, and iheartradio.

Ryman recently won the title of Best in the Midwest at the prestigious Gilda’s Laugh Fest,and voted best comedian in the Twin Cites by City Pages. He was invited to perform at the Great American Comedy Festival at the Johnny Carson Theater.   Ryman’s newest album “Having the Time of My Life” hit #2 on the iTunes comedy charts, and he also has a brand new comedy special on Dry Bar Comedy

Johnson Memorial Health Services
Dawson Chamber

Writing Workshop with Carrie Newcomer

The Beautiful Not Yet: Living with Hope in Hard Times
February 24

Carrie Newcomer
1-4:00 pm
Writing workshop on Sun., Feb. 24
$20 per person. Limit of 30 workshop participants.
Get tickets online
Or call the box office 320-312-2311

The Beautiful Not Yet: Living with Hope in Hard Times

Facilitated by Carrie Newcomer (Musician/ Poet/ Educator)

“ Hope is holding in creative tension, everything that is, with all that could and should be, and each day taking action to lessen the distance between the two”  Parker J. Palmer.

This mini-retreat led by Grammy winning singer songwriter, Carrie Newcomer, will explore maintaining hope and our ability to envision during times of individual and community challenge.  Carrie will use music, poetry, reflective writing, small and large group conversation to explore the personal stories and practices that keep us resilient and help us to stay centered in daily, faithful, and life-giving action.  Participants will consider the things that have helped them maintain hope in the past as well as ponder if those things are still available to us, and if so how do we access them. This retreat will be conducted in a safe, fun and respectful atmosphere.  No previous experience with creative art forms is necessary.

Rekow Management LLC

Also available a concert with Carrie Newcomer and Gary Walters on Feb 23

Dragons Love Tacos: April 8 (Student Performance)

heatreworks USA’s Dragons Love Tacos
Monday, April 8, 2019

Madison Dental Clinic – Brandon Ulstad, DDS

A musical revue of beloved contemporary children’s books!

Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri
Dragons love all sorts of tacos — except spicy ones!  When a boy throws his new dragon friends a spicy salsa taco party , red-hot trouble ensues.

Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein
It’s bedtime for the little red chicken.  Papa is going to read her a story, but the chicken can’t help interrupting.  Will the chicken ever get to sleep?

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds
A story about the creative spirit in all of us. Vashti can’t draw.  Then her teacher says, “Just make a mark and see where it takes you.”  Vashti discovers she is an artist, after all.

Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride by Kate DiCamillo, Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen
Mercy, a porcine wonder, and Mr. Watson go for a ride every Saturday in Mr. Watson’s automobile.  But one Saturday, guess who winds up behind the wheel?

Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa School Days by Erica Silverman, painted by Betsy Lewin
Yee Haw! Cowgirl Kate and her loyal horse Cocoa are the perfect pair. They do everything together, until school is in session — and horses are not allowed!

Approximate Running Time: 50 Minutes
Recommended Ages: Grades K through 5