Barbershop quartet, chorus Kordal Kombat to perform March 18 in Dawson

dbaa-Kordal-Kombat-Vegas-PosedDawson-Boyd Arts Association presents an evening of barbershop music as part of its fifteenth performing arts season on Friday, March 18 at 7:30pm at Memorial Auditorium in Dawson. The featured barbershop quartet of the evening will be Kordal Kombat, with opening selections by the West Central Connection Chorus.

Kordal Kombat, an award-winning barbershop quartet based in central Minnesota, performs everything from doo-wop to Motown to traditional and modern barbershop repertoire. The group began in 2009 on the campus of University of Minnesota – Morris and a few years later became intensely interested in the style of barbershop music. In 2013, Kordal Kombat made history in the Land O’Lakes Barbershop District by becoming the first quartet ever to win both the Novice Quartet Championship and the District Quartet Championship in the same year. The following year, the quartet won the Land O’Lakes Collegiate Quartet Championship.

The West Central Connection Chorus, under the direction of Todd Mattson, is based in Willmar and performs in the western part of the state.

Tickets go on sale March 15!

Share this Post on our fantastic new show All is Calm – for a chance to win tickets

All is CalmWe are so excited about our upcoming show All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914. We are asking you to help us spread the word.

It’s a heartwarming story of Christmas on the battlefield in 1914. Set on the Western Front during World War I when the when Allied and German soldiers laid down their arms to celebrate the holiday together: trading carols, sharing food and drink, playing soccer and gathering their dead – an extraordinary night of camaraderie, music and peace. In some places the truce lasted only a night, in others it endured until New Year’s Day. This dramatic re-telling contains poetry, diary entries, war documents and letters written by thirty World War I figures brought to life by 12 actors and singers. The historic documents are interspersed with iconic World War I songs and European carols. The Star Tribune calls All Is Calm “a classic to be repeated for years to come.”

Share this post on Facebook for a chance to win tickets to the show. We’ll draw the name on Sunday November 29 – please share by noon on Sunday to qualify.

One note – it’s reserved seating for the show. Get your order in early to choose the seat you want!

Minneapolis Guitar Quartet: Nov 5 at Dawson Boyd Arts Association!

MGQ seatedWe’re so excited for next event of the season is the Minneapolis Guitar Quartet – an amazing, talented group of musicians with a wide range of repertoire.

The concert is this Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7:30pm.

Tickets are $15 adults and $5 for students.

Our thanks to the event sponsor: Rekow Management LLC of Montevideo.

Please us promote this concert by sharing this post on your social media channels!

You can buy tickets one of three ways:

  1. Order online
  2. Call the box office at 320-769-2955 ext 246
  3. Purchase tickets at the door

AND – we’re celebrating our 15th birthday with cake and coffee from Marc’s on Main in the lobby.

Connie Evingson with Patty & The Buttons

dbaa connieSaturday October 3, 2015 – 7:30 PM
Open Seating $15 Adults $5 Students
Tickets on sale Tuesday September 29

The distinctive sounds of gypsy jazz will transport you to the hot club jazz scene of Paris in the 1930s made famous by Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grapelli. Vocalist Connie Evingson, along with Patty & The Buttons, will open our 15th season in style!

Annual Silent Auction in lobby!

Watch the website for a complete listing of silent auction donations!

Event Sponsors: Peggy Crosby & David Pederson


Alexander Who is Not Not Not Not Not Not Going to Move

alexTuesday October 13, 2015 – student shows
Wednesday October 14, 2015
Ticket price: $5 per person
For tickets, contact the box office

Alexander has just received some really bad news: his family is moving to a whole new city! And even though his mom says, “Wait, you’ll like it,” Alexander can’t bear to leave the people and places he loves, so he decides that he won’t move. His Orag family helps him understand that home is “where your family is, where you’re with the people who love you best of all.”
Additional seats are available for the October 13 performances. Contact the box office for details and tickets.

Event Sponsors:

Madison Dental Clinic – Brandon Ulstad, DDS

Dawson Fire Department

Dawson Lions Club

sw mn arts

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the SW MN Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Minneapolis Guitar Quartet

dbaa MGQ01Thursday November 5, 2015 – 7:30 pm
Open Seating $15 Adults $5 Students
Tickets on sale: Tuesday Novemner 3

With a repertoire ranging from Bach to Rodrigo to Prince, the Minneapolis Guitar Quartet’s program of inspired originals and brilliant arrangements will leave you amused and amazed. Their imagination, artistry and musical mastery have made them “one of the major guitar ensembles in the world.”     –Southboard Magazine

Event Sponsor: Rekow Management LLC


This performance is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

dbaa 2013_12_18_0213Sunday December 6, 2015 – 7:00pm
Reserved Seating $15 Adults $5 Students
Tickets on Sale: December 1
Member Reservation Day: Monday, November 30

The Western Front. Christmas. 1914. Out of the violence comes a silence, then a song. A German soldier steps into No Man’s Land singing “Stille Nacht.” Thus begins an extraordinary time of camaraderie, music and peace. Theater Latté Da recreates the moment in history when Allied and German solders laid down their arms to celebrate together.

Event Sponsor: Minnwest Bank Dawson

Thanks to the Dawson VFW & American Legion for their support of this performance.

Student performance December 7.


This activity is funded by a grant from the Dawson Community Foundation, a component fund of the Southwest Initiative Foundation.

Orange Mighty Trio

Winterfest Weekend Entertainment

Saturday February 6, 2016 – 7:30 pm
Open Seating $15 Adults $5 Students
Tickets on Sale: Tuesday February 2

Orange Mighty Trio combines bluegrass and classical music into high-spirited, maverick chamber music. Impossible to predict, impossible to resist. “Combines mountainy roots music with urban jazz and hints of classical, careening between beautiful, bold and a bit of bombast.”                 -Minneapolis Star Tribune

Event Sponsors: Ralph & Sue Gerbig and Dawson Area Chamber

DBAA 2012-09-15-Orange-Mighty-Trio-125 DBAA 2012-09-15-Orange-Mighty-Trio-1zack