National Players to perform The Grapes of Wrath in Dawson April 23

Dawson-Boyd Arts Association is proud to welcome back the National Players and its production of The Grapes of Wrath, based on John Steinbeck’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, on Sunday, April 23 at 7 pm at Memorial Auditorium in Dawson.

The Grapes of Wrath chronicles the journey of the Joad Family during the Dust Bowl era as they trek from Oklahoma to California, striving for their own piece of the American dream. A story of perseverance against the odds, National Players’ interpretation of Steinbeck’s Great American Novel showcases diverse people struggling to find meaning in extraordinary circumstances.

National Players, based in Olney, Maryland, tours three full productions annually of classic and Shakespearean drama throughout the United States with a troupe of ten actors, offering theatre education and arts integration to hosting communities. This production was adapted by Frank Galati and directed by Colin Hovde.

Event sponsors for the Sunday performance of Steinbeck’s classic story are Helen Haverberg and Thrivent Financial – James Heinrich. Coffee from Marc’s on Main will be available in the lobby.

Tickets for The Grapes of Wrath are available online or by calling the box office at 320-312-2311.

Dawson-Boyd Arts Association receives SMAC grant funding for sound enhancement

The Dawson-Boyd Arts Association recently received a $4,000 Equipment and Facilities grant from Southwest Minnesota Arts Council for the purchase of a new digital sound board and an input-output rack to accommodate more microphones and more monitors for performing artists. This new equipment increases the capabilities of Memorial Auditorium as a performing space and has already been used in recent productions the auditorium.

This activity is funded in part with a grant from the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council made possible by the voters of Minnesota, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Doug Woolverton – Hometown trumpet hero returns for Dawson show

We’re so excited to have Doug Woolverton play for us next week at the Chicago Tribute show. (April 7!) We’re glad to see excitement has spread to the West Central Tribune  and their feature on Doug and the upcoming performance…

Woolverton is a 1999 graduate of the Lac qui Parle Valley High School in rural Madison.

It’s where he said a lot of good things happened to him that played a very big role in making his career as a professional trumpet player possible.

“I didn’t realize how much I had learned naturally just living in such a great place,” said Woolverton in a recent telephone interview. The small town values of working hard to succeed and being nice to others, which he acquired while living in Minnesota, helped him create his career as a professional musician, according to Woolverton.

And of course, the people he came to know on the Minnesota prairie also played a big role in shaping this career, he said.

Learn more. Order tickets!

Beginnings: The Ultimate Chicago Concert Experience of New York to perform in Dawson April 7

Dawson-Boyd Arts Association announces the performance of Beginnings: The Ultimate Chicago Concert Experience on Friday, April 7 at 7:30pm at Memorial Auditorium in Dawson. This show brings to life the timeless classics of the band Chicago and expertly recreates every decade of the band’s hits. Produced and performed by professional musicians and veterans of the New York music scene, Beginnings is an enjoyable and entertaining show.

The Beginnings band includes trumpeter Doug Woolverton, a 1999 LQPVHS graduate and son of former Montevideo pastor Paul Woolverton. Doug joined the Beginnings band in 2015, but also plays with the group Roomful of Blues and has created A Tribute to: Miles Davis, performed annually at the Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island.

Event sponsor is Dawson Co-op Credit Union. Coffee from Marc’s on Main will be served in the lobby. Tickets to this reserved seating performance are available through the box office by calling 320-312-2311 and are also available online

Meet Simone Perrin: then come see her at DBAA on Feb 4

We are looking forward to the Feb 4 show – Simone Perrin with Kevin Kling. They have been here before. We loved them. We invited them back. They said yes. We are excited.

Want a sneak peek? Check out the video from MNOriginal where Simone performs two original songs onboard a gondola floating down the St. Croix river.

Storyteller Kevin Kling, Accordionista Simone Perrin in Dawson for Winterfest Weekend!

We are excited to have audience favorites Kevin Kling and Simone Perrin return to Memorial Auditorium on Saturday, February 4 at 7:30pm as part of Winterfest Weekend activities in Dawson.

Author, playwright and storyteller Kevin Kling will be joined by accordionista and singer Simone Perrin to bring us their newly-debuted show “Kindly Relying on the Strangeness of Others.”  Kevin Kling’s sharp perspective on the world pairs beautifully with Simone Perrin’s music in this humorous and poignant show. You’ll meet some eccentric yet familiar characters – both adversaries and angels – who’ve crossed their paths and changed their lives.

Kling, a Minnesota native and the author of five books, performs internationally and is an award-winning storyteller. His plays and adaptations have been performed around the world. His commentaries can be heard on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered.

Coffee and refreshments will be served in the lobby prior to the show. The annual meeting of the Dawson-Boyd Arts Association will take place at the start of the evening.

This event is sponsored by Johnson Memorial Health Services and Ralph and Sue Gerbig.

Tickets are available online or by calling the box office at 320-312-2311 and will also be available at the door.

Come see Cinderella on Sunday October 23

Cinderella attitudeTickets are now on sale for Continental Ballet’s production of Cinderella. It will be performed on Sunday afternoon, October 23 at 3:00 pm at Memorial Auditorium in Dawson.

It’s reserved seating. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students.

You can purchase tickets in one of three ways:

  1. In person! The box office will be open on Oct. 12 from 9am-noon. [And also all weekdays after that.]
  2. By phone! Our NEW direct phone number is 320-312-2311 with voicemail 24/7. Leave your request and we’ll call you back to confirm payment method.
  3. Online!  You’ll have a chance to list your seating preference in the comments box.

We are looking forward to another beautiful production by Continental Ballet of Bloomington.

Event sponsors are Peggy Crosby & David Pederson and Kluver Law Office & Mediation Center PLLC.

Coffee from Marc’s on Main will be served in the lobby.