Ensō Daiko – Japanese Taiko Drumming – October 12, 2023
Dawson-Boyd Arts Association presents an energetic performance of Japanese Taiko Drumming featuring Ensō Daiko at Memorial Auditorium in Dawson on Thursday, October 12 at 7:00pm.
This energetic performance combines music, dance, culture and pure athleticism. Taiko is the Japanese work for drum and refers to the modern style of playing these drums. Wadaiko (in Japan) and kumi daiko (in North America) is movement infused, heart-pounding, dynamic group drumming. Think of it as a high energy performance art that combines music, dance, martial arts, athletics and culture.
Ensō Daiko’s time in Dawson will include an afternoon student performance for grades 3-12 as well as an exclusive drumming workshop for Dawson-Boyd High School’s Junior High and Senior High Bands. This activity is funded in part with a grant from the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council made possible by the voters of Minnesota, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Event sponsor for this event is AGP. Coffee from Marc’s on Main will be served in the lobby. Admission to the evening public performance is $20 for adults and $5 for students. Tickets are currently available online at dawsonboydartspresents.org or at the door or by calling the box office at 320-312-2311.